Artistic Activism

The following projects are examples of artistic activism that confront and tackle ageism. These projects utilize at least one element of creative activism and serve as powerful inspiration for our own work at Art Against Ageism.

Age Friendly Vibes

After a career as a web developer, Jan Golden was inspired to start a stationery business that tackles ageism. Age-Friendly Vibes was born after she participated in a greeting card contest during the pandemic. She used her graphic design and tech skills, as well as her creativity, to create a line of age-friendly greeting cards. Instead of…

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Reimagining Dementia Coalition

The Reimagining Dementia Coalition created an original song and video, “Let’s Reimagine,” to introduce the power of creativity in transforming the culture of dementia and invite people across the globe to join us in making a difference. Recognizing the power of the arts for social change, Reimagining Dementia: A Creative Coalition for Justice teamed up…

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Changing the Narrative

Changing the Narrative is a strategic communications and awareness campaign that increases understanding of ageism and seeks to “change how people think, talk, and act about aging and ageism.” Among other things, Changing the Narrative partners with organizations to create campaigns that raise awareness of ageism and help to debunk stereotypes about age and being older. Last…

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Age Without Ageism

This video is creatively and artfully produced to explain how fighting ageism can help us live longer — and make the world better. Hosted by Josh Kornbluth, an Atlantic fellow for Equity in Brain Health at the Global Brain Health Institute and Hellman visiting artist at UCSF’s Memory and Aging Center.

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Ageism in Health Care Infographic

The clever and creative infographic above appears on the Regis College Doctor of Nursing Practice website. In addition to demonstrating the types of ageism that exists within health care settings, it examines the causes and affects of ageism. It also offers tips for advance practice nurses to combat ageism.

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I Too Am Qualified

Started by a husband and wife team of photographers who have faced aged discrimination themselves, the goal of I Too Am Qualified is to raise awareness of the prevalence of age discrimination in the workplace and to let people know they are not alone. The site includes photos of people who have experienced age discrimination in the…

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Old People Are Cool

Created to confront “harmful ageism we believe prevents our communities from reaching their maximum potential,” the Old People Are Cool Project has produced and distributed thousands of eponymously named stickers and sells tees and other products that bear the pro-aging phrase. The website also invites readers to take the Old People Are Cool Oath and encourages colleagues, friends and…

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Help Age International

Help Age International, a global network of organizations that promotes the “right of all older people to lead dignified, healthy and secure lives,” created videos like the one here to help dispel damaging myths about older adults. In their effort to “break free from ageism,” Help Age posts their creative on social media and asks…

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City of San Francisco’s

The San Francisco Reframing Aging Campaign is a collaborative effort to “increase public awareness of ageism, disrupt negative stereotypes of aging, and connect residents with supportive resources and services.” Among other resources and articles, the campaign’s website asks viewers to share a pledge to end ageism on social media.

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The City of Toronto

The photo above is an excellent example of creative activism that confronts ageism. These posters were placed throughout the City of Toronto in 2019 as part of a campaign that tackles ageism in the workplace. (Note: it appears that the campaign has been halted as the website has some dead links. But we think the idea is…

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Eff Their Aging Standards

According to its website, Eff Their Aging Standards is a “dispensary of age positivity, art, and adornments, made with uplifting purpose for the 50 and over crowd.” The artists, who is referred to as “Tracy” on the site, notes that she designs “to inspire 50+ women, one daily drawing at a time.” She notes that she creates…

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The Passions Project

These beautiful images, from photographer and anti-ageist activist Heidi Wagner, are part of The Passions Project, a portrait series that captures the essence of older adults doing what they love to do. Through her lens, Wagner makes visible what is often unseen – “a new view of age and aging that includes vitality, independence and…

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Age In America

Age In America is a blog and social media campaign that uses storytelling and images to reframe negative views of aging into positive narratives that affirm the vitality, wellbeing, and contentment that often comes with being older. Created by Art Against Ageism Co-Founder Meg LaPorte, Age In America promotes stories, messages, and images that depict older adults not…

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